Jestli bydl� n�jakej po��dnej phreaker v Praze 9 nebo okol� nech� m� kontaktuje.
V n�sleduj�c�ch *.txt dokumentech najdete v�e, co pot�ebuje v�d�t phreaker-ze��te�n�k.
Ale ne aby jste n�co z toho zkou�eli! Mohly by z toho b�t probl�my :-)
Soubory *.box jsou zatim nefunk�n�. Pozd�ji v nich budou t�ny v�ech mo�n�ch box�.
Jestli n�kdo nev�, co to phreakov�n� je, tak a� se pod�v�.
Phone Phreaking : Boxes and Box Plans Written by LEGION OF MATRIX
Zatim jsme to nep�elo�ili do �e�tiny a asi ani nikdy nep�elo��me. Tady je to v angli�tin�:
Perhaps one of the most dominant trends in the area of Phone Phreaking was the
constant creation of "Boxes": Devices of all types and complexity that would do
a specific activity, usually illegal or potentially illegal. The first and
most famous of these was the Blue Box, which would simulate the tones generated
by an Operator from any phone, allowing the user to do an amazing variety of
tricks and, occasionally, fraud.
However, this box was quickly surrounded by every box color in the visible
spectrum (and some beyond) as phreaks and phone hackers across the country
came up with odd new ideas of what to do with phones, and created electronic
plans to demonstrate to others how to build them.
No doubt a major contributor to this unique situation was the romance of
creating an all-in-one, solid box that would do a magic trick on a phone
or phone line, giving the phone phreak a leg up against the phone company.
As time went on, this idea of a magic box spread to other arenas, and there
are plans for television transmitters and traffic light hacks as well.
To speed browsing, the supposed function of the box is included in italics
after the first set of plans for that color. This has nothing to do with
the plan's actual success at its goal or whether it even comes close.
In the case of multiple plans, no favoritism is being played as to which
plans are the first, second, etc. It's just how they came.
| Size
| Description of the Textfile
2600stgs.txt 2048
| 2600 Hertz Single Tone Generator Schematic
| acrylic.box 3226
| Acrylic Box Plans, by The Pimp
| aqua.box 7651
| The Aqua Box, by Captain Xerox and The Traveler Disables the dreaded "Lock-In Trace"
| aqua2.box 8969
| Same as above, but with a SysOp chat broken in the middle of it.
| aqua3.box 8432
| Aqua Box Plans by Game Warlord, Hyperspace Bandit, Frequency Bandit, and Twilight Phantom
| assasin.box 7003
| The Assassin Box, by the Grim Reaper
| assassin.box 7420
| The Assassin Box, by The Grim Reaper Sends a large amount of voltage on a line to maim or kill
| assassin.txt 8595
| The Assassin Box, by Grim Reaper
| at-red.hch 4504
| Converting a Tone Dialer into a Red Box by Atomic Teddybear (June 14, 1994)
| basboxin.txt 2116
| Getting Phree Calls, by the Seker
| baxconf.box 2605
| How to Box your Own Conference Calls
| beagan.box 3749
| The Beagan Box by Black Box and Lord Reagan Same as a Beige Box But with 1000 feet of cable attached to it
| beige.box 4631
| Beige Box Plans, by The Exterminator and Terminal Man Simulates a Lineman's Handset
| beige2.box 6222
| Beige Box Plans, by The Kez and Jolly Roger
| beige3.box 8560
| Beige Box Plans, by The Exterminator and Terminal Man Better Formatted
| beige4.box 3072
| Beige Box Plans, done over by The Kez
| beige5.box 3718
| The Beige Box Revisited, by The Mercenary
| beige6.box 7545
| How to make a Genuine Phone Tap, by Jello Biafra
| black.box 4460
| Black Box Plans Keeps calls free by keeping the phone voltage up
| black001.box 2494
| Black Box Plans
| black2.box 5632
| Black Box Plans
| black3.box 2389
| Black Box Plans, from Captain Tripps
| black4.box 3422
| The TRUTH about Black Boxing! By Fabulist
| blackbox.txt 2986
| British Version of the Telephone Black Box
| blackmod.txt 2583
| Black Box Mods from Jack Plug
| blast.box 2048
| Blast Box Plans, by Shadow Hawk Attaches an Amplifier to the phone for obnoxiously loud speaking
| blast.hac 1368
| The Blast Box
| blkbox.txt 4351
| How to Make a Black Box
| blkbx2.txt 2670
| Black Box Plans
| blotto.box 6131
| Blotto Box Plans, by The Traveller Causes the entire exchange to explode
| blue4 7296
| A Mish-Mash of Boxing Files
| blue4.phk 2469
| Assorted Box Frequencies
| blue4.txt 7296
| A List of Different Box Types
| bluebox1.txt 1072
| Box Tones by the Pyro
| bobbox.txt 7835
| Making the Bob Box (Derivative of the Beige Box)
| box-chro.txt 5040
| Chrome Box Plans
| box-junc.txt 8247
| The Art of Junction Box Modeming by Mad Hacker of 616 Includes an ANSI Menu of of a G File Section Beforehand
| box-mega.txt 5517
| Making a Megabox
| box-modu.txt 2525
| The Modu-Box, by Magnus Adept of Celestial Elite
| box-pink.txt 2304
| Pink Box Plans
| box-plai.txt 1778
| Plaid Box Plans
| box-purp.txt 1664
| How to Construct a Purple Box
| box-scar.txt 2383
| Scarlet Box Plans from Commodore Systems
| box-swor.txt 4736
| The Sword Box, by The Grim Reaper
| box-yell.txt 1456
| Yellow Box Plans, by Captain Hook (Feb 3, 1986)
| box.dox 7339
| The MEEKO Box by Meeko (1994)
| boxconf.txt 2606
| How to Box your own Conference Calls!
| boxer.box 4470
| The Joys of Boxing
| boxes.box 1144
| A Quick hash List of Box Colors
| boxes.txt 2048
| Quick Overview of some Boxes
| boxes1.dna 5912
| Luke Lists Out All the Phreak Boxes He Knows
| boxgen.box 5928
| Boxes: General Information
| boxing.txt 6639
| The Myth of the 2600hz Detector
| boxing1.txt 6356
| Information on the Process of Blue Boxing by Asure
| boxlist.txt 3834
| The Underground Box List by the Vandal (August 20, 1987)
| boxrussi.box 4731
| Boxing to Russia!
| boxrwrld.box 10012
| Boxing Around the World in 10 Easy Lessons or Less by MOB-Rules
| boxtone.txt 1388
| Bocing Tones, Courtesy of the ITT Manual, by the Mad Phone Man
| boxtones.box 2093
| Box Tones, by The Pyro
| boxtones.txt 2299
| Box Tones, from Atlantis
| boxview.box 9123
| General Rant on different Box Colors and Purposes
| brown-bx.txt 2688
| Brown Box Plans, in 80 Columns
| brown.box 2767
| Brown Box Plans
| brown.phk 2917
| Brown Box Plans
| brown2.box 4096
| Brown Box Plans, by The Doc
| bud.box 4104
| Bud Box Plans, bt Dr. D-Code and The Pimp Similar to a Beige Box (Lineman's Handset) but claiming to be more Portable
| busy.box 3052
| The Busy Box, by Black Death
| bxclear.hac 2226
| Clear Box Plans, by The Bit of The Postmen
| cell-5.phk 15825
| The DNA Box: Hacking Cellphones #5
| cell-6.phk 7808
| The DNA Box, Hacking Cellphones #6
| charging.box 1995
| Lets you know when a call is charging and when it is not under British Telephone
| chartreu.box 5487
| Chartreuse Box Plans, by Wonko the Sane Taps the Phone Line as a Free Power Source
| chartreu.phk 5667
| The Chartruese Box (By Wonko the Sane)
| cheese.box 1288
| Cheese Box Plans Connects two phone lines together so if you call one, you get the other's dial tone
| cheese.hac 975
| How to Build and Use a Cheesebox
| cheese2.box 2376
| Making Your Phone into a Cheesebox, by Otho Radix
| cheese3.box 975
| Cheese Box Plans, by Sir Knight (Similar to cheese.box, but not entirely)
| cheesey.phk 1436
| Making your phone into a Cheese Box, by Sir Knight
| chrimson.txt 2128
| Crimson Box Plans
| chrome.box 6144
| The Chrome Box, by the Outlaw Telecommandos
| chrome.toe 6055
| The Chrome Box: By Outlaw Telecommandos (Modified to Lowercase) (June 14, 1988)
| chromebox.hac 5786
| The Chrome Box, by Outlaw Telecommandos
| circuit.txt | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |